Healthy Hair Care

Healthy Hair Care - Natural Hair Growth with Vitamins and Herbs

Hair is a reflection on the overall condition of your body. A healthy and well-nourished body reflects in bouncy and healthy hair. Analyzing a snip of hair can give a clear picture of any deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Any sort of nutritional deficiency would result in thinning hair, hair loss or even baldness. A malfunctioning thyroid can also play havoc with the condition of your hair. Excessive stress and certain medications are known to contribute to falling hair. Healthy Hair care encompasses a wide range of treatments ranging from preventive hair care to tips for maintaining long hair.

Natural Hair Growth with Vitamins and Herbs

A stretch test is a good indicator of whether your hair is healthy. A healthy strand of hair should stretch by about 30% before it breaks. Hair is dead protein once it has emerged from your scalp.If you have natural hair growth your Hair will grow down to your shoulders is nearly two years old since average hair growth is just half-an-inch per month.
For Natural Hair Growth vitamins and herbs are essential. A proper blend of amino acids and B-vitamins can go a long way in promoting and maintaining those lustrous locks. A diet that offers trace minerals like magnesium, sulphur, silica and zinc also helps promote hair growth. Beta-carotene, found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables works wonders for healthy hair and skin. Soya, beans, yoghurt, fish and eggs are also beneficial for long hair and healthy skin. It is the view of some nutritional experts that addition of wheat germ and brewer's yeast into your diet would augment hair growth. Essential fatty acids found in Evening Primrose oil and Flax Seed oil can restore hair growth. Collagen that is so essential for luxurious hair is found in Silica.

The right shampoo should remove the sebum that is secreted by the scalp. Most dermatologists recommend a shampoo of a reputed brand with a pH of 4.5 - 5.5. Shampoos can be of botanical origin made of naturally derived oils or emollients such as jojoba and avocado and olive. Vitamin E and Pantheon based shampoos help boost the moisture -retaining properties of hair.